Adrian Datte

YouTube Channel: (@adriandattevideoproduction)

For more of my work, please checkout out my portfolio YouTube channel linked above!

About Me

Video editing and movie production has been a lifelong hobby of mine.

Since age 7, I began working with digital cameras and recording short movies with" start and stop" editing only involving the pause and record button on the camera. At age 10, I got my first iMac and Final Cut Pro editing software installed on it. Then I began to explore the program and became a mostly self-taught expert on it. I later got professional guidance on using the program's more advanced features to create stunning visual effects in my short films. 

As the years went on, I started getting into website development using simple no-code online website builders and began testing out different online businesses with some amazing success. At one point, I had a 27 page brainwave-music-selling website. On it, I produced music with beats at certain rhythms that would scientifically affect the actual brainwaves of user to match the brainwaves frequency played in the music, resulting in altered states of consciousness. I made many digital-download sales on this site with the use of self-taught SEO skills and a newsletter system. 

As of recently (December 10th), I have graduated from Drexel University with a BS degree. I studied in various related fields such as digital media, graphic design, website development and design, film and television, video and audio editing, animation and visual effects, and user experience interaction design. I have a minor in graphic design and minor in user experience interaction design.

I am currently looking for freelance work. If you have seen any of my work and are interested in hiring me for freelance work, please let me know in the contact section below!

Some of my current freelance skills include:

  • Video editing (Final Cut Pro X/Adobe Premiere)

  • Visual Effects/Post Production (Adobe After Effects/Final Cut Pro X)

  • Logo Design (Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop)

  • Photo Editing (Adobe Photoshop)

  • Website Development (for businesses/personal)

  • Videography (iPhone 13)(Camcorder)

Thanks for checking out my site. Don't forget to check out my Portfolio page here.

Adrian Datte

Contact Form

Use this form if you want to inquire about a potential freelance opportunity or questions.
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